
Hello! I'm Riley Masters. Welcome to my notebook! This is where I'll let you into the backstory and FAQs to all of my fanfiction. Have a question? Comment or ask me anywhere! I'll answer here! Enjoy!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Update, a Year in the Making

Hey all!

I've been nearly silent on this blog. Truth be told, I just couldn't put anything to paper for most of the year, and what I did write came out like crap. That's all changed, however.

Back in Summer 2010, Kit and I put the finishing touches on The Saviors Series. Since then, I've been editing it, adding to it, and messing around with the order. December 2010, I declared it finished.

Originally, I was just going to post the entire thing straight away, all forty-something chapters. Various people talked me out of this, and now I have a different plan.

Every Monday, I'll be posting a chapter of the series on deviantART and FanFiction.net. Links will be added later.

I just want to add one thing. Most of the things that will be posted later on, poems and short stories, were written for a Creative Writing class at my community college. I got a lot of really good feedback, so I'm really proud of what I came up with. If any on them are reading this, thanks so much!

I'm going to go and post the prologue! Wish me luck!

~Riley Masters

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