
Hello! I'm Riley Masters. Welcome to my notebook! This is where I'll let you into the backstory and FAQs to all of my fanfiction. Have a question? Comment or ask me anywhere! I'll answer here! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Backstory: Digital Magick

Basically, Kit and I were have one of our normal debates (at least for the 2006-2007 school year): who would survive at Hogwarts. We had gone through nearly every other fandom when I brought up the Digidestined (Adventure - Season 01). She swore that they would be the only ones that would survive. I said I doubted it.

Insert "Great Idea" Here.

So together, we created a basic template for this new Asian Wizarding World. Then I read the wonderful Gemeni Star01's story, Harry Potter and the Digimon Frontier. That kinda put our plans on hold, just for a year. In March 2008, I found the information while cleaning my room and brought it to her. We both decided that if we changed enough of it, it would be different. So that's what we did.

I wrote up the prologues between April 2008 and early 2009, before putting the project on hold for Saviors Series.  I'm embarressed to say that I put the project on hold from then on, even though I actually want to write it.

So I shall.

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