
Hello! I'm Riley Masters. Welcome to my notebook! This is where I'll let you into the backstory and FAQs to all of my fanfiction. Have a question? Comment or ask me anywhere! I'll answer here! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Backstory: The Saviors Series

I've had a lot of people ask me where I could possibly come up with this series. It's actually a simple, one word answer: Kit. Yes, my sister.

I started playing FusionFall in late December 2008, during the last Beta session. I even got mom to buy me a subscription once the game went live in January 2009. I loved it, and would often play it, every night after finishing my homework.

Around the same time in the real world, I was having a lot of trouble in one of my classes at school (I was a senior). Luckily, it wasn't the work, but some of the students (I really don't want to go into detail). We - my mom, sister, and I - demanded that I be switched out of the class. Because it was my last semester in school, there was no way for me to move into another class. So, instead, I was placed in the In School Sespension room. (Side note: that really helped my waning self esteem and social status).

I couldn't do anything in the room that I used to do. Unlike every class in the school, all iPods had to be completely off. So, I was bored.

I was complaining to my friends at lunch around mid-January. I had only been in the ISS room for about two days, and I was already going mad. I actually was tempted to storm back into the office and demand that I get switched back!

Kit gave me this look over her sandwich. One that said You-carry-two-different-two-five-subject-notebooks-with-you-everyday-and-you're-bored?! I just looked back at her, completely brain dead.

"Oh for the love of... what's your new favorite MMO?" she growled.

"Um... FusionFall?" I had no idea where she was taking this.

"And how many characters have you made in the game yet?"

"I made Gaia, and you made Bella."

"Then write a story with them in it!" She yelled, and hit me upside the head with something in her backpack. I think it was her English notebook, just for the irony. All of my friends laughed at it. I pulled out one of my notebooks and started planning.

Dakota and Taylor McKenzie were Kit and I at the base level, for about five minutes. Then their characters exploded. Both of their given names were from a random name generator. Their last name, McKenzie, was quickly chosen in honor of one of our dear friends, who was so soft spoken and kinder than anyone on Earth, and we both love her lots.

I plotted out The Travelers that day. It was only meant to be a couple chapters. Then I decided that it needed a spark of romance, so Zane Michaels - Blake Chronoabyss - was born.

When I finished The Travelers in mid-March, I couldn't let them go. So, I added the epilogue which led to The Warriors, combining FusionFall with one of my old favorite French cartoons, Code Lyoko.

The Warriors took forever to write. I didn't have an outline, and then summer started. I finally finished it, as well as The Protectors, while I was housesitting at Kit's house for a week. I wrote a total of twelve chapters in four days, as well as character profiles. In case you're wondering, that's why the quality of the writing sucked towards the end.

So, you can all thank Kit for the insanity that is The Savior Series!

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